Saturday, September 28, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Embracing junk mail as canvas and more in my view before another storm....


An exposed section of thick grained Alabama
Pine heartwood has been the source of many of my recent
Fish prints while living here in Florida as my
Dad's bodyguard ... For many years I did these " nature
Rubbings " in my many art programs as an
Environmental Education Teacher/ Naturalist...
I still love doing them myself  

Monday, September 23, 2024

I just need a little TEMPORARY help ...and more glimpses into my world


If I am adding to this my online studio
A circular current that cannot end 
Then I am still

Bella is still kicking too!

One of a zillion entry ways on our driveway 

Mulberry that is considered to be a weed tree around here
Is a Major positive role model regarding


I traded this original ABS Fish Print
To my neighbor for some lawnmower work 
Wanna support me as an Artist?

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

We Will survive!

'Round here.


Doodle done while waiting hours
 on the phone trying to"get help"

Took Bella for a ride down Riverbend 
Met this feller and his friends.   

I am doing the very best that I can right now to keep
Myself above ground .  I still need help.  I fall through 
Many cracks trying to get outside help 
I am determined to be self-sufficient 
But right now I