Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Pacifi-c Plate

I once lived on the edge
of the border
between the land exposed on the Pacific plate
and the Pacific Ocean.
It was a slim border
and some days it felt like
one of
those mighty waves might
just get silly
and roll on over
The Whole Damn Lighthouse.
But it didn’t,
and the smell of all those plants
out there on the edge,
a sweet sweet smell
a smell I will

Annie B. Siemer

Mary Youngblood - "LIVE" Beneath the Raven Moon

Sunday, July 26, 2020

We're at Peace Here at Home....May It Come To ALL of Earth Now!

They both LOVE rolling in the White "Sugar" Sands nearby...

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Another Hot day in Florida.....

neighbors oak morning

red at night sailors delight.....what's  a pink morning mean?

sunrise eastern horizon 7/25/20
miss mollie loves to graze

mollie loves the horses

luna,fiona and frodo...our NEIGHbor horses....

PEACE, Always Peace...

I love the clouds here most days....

Frodo alone...

Miss Verde Kitty Back home in the backyard

Friday, July 24, 2020

Traveling Jade clones

Joanie  Photo

These are my grandchildren and great grandchildren plants. The original plant came from a giant jade plant owned by the grandmother of one of my exes in sf...circa 1995. I cloned and recloned this plant in my various life changes and abodes traveling back and forth between Cali, Ohio, Florida and back to Ohio...sometime between 1998 and 2005*, I gave one of these clones to my cousin Joanie...(container on the left) it nearly died but her thumb did eventually turn green and it seems now she has Jade grandbabies of her own. All of my jades eventually bit the dust after much road travel and such....but these live on! Thanks Cousin Joan ....for reminding me of the beauty of plant cuttings!
* later I remembered it was after 2010...still keeping it alive is what is/was important!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Things in my view not on television....7/21/2020

 Clouds out the window when (Thankfully) given a ride to town
 This sunflower was knocked flat by the winds and rain...wounded by who knows what, yet still survived to bloom...that's how my own perseverance feels.
I was
so Thankful to see this yesterday...

 My two faithful quarantine companions with me still.

Fungi abound after these Florida storms....
Last night's Art collage
Blue Corn/Sunflower Medicine wheel....