Friday, April 30, 2021

Happy Beltane!

 Happy Beltane! 

Beltane is an ancient Celtic celebration to welcome summer. Here is a pretty good description of why many folks around the world still celebrate it today!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Monday, April 26, 2021

I Love Strawbale People! 

Here is a new(to me)Strawbale site. I still plan to build my up from the ground Strawbale house. I still want to do it in a land with abundant clay. Thanks Micah Family for reminding me today!!!! is my other

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Steam punk Pina can....

I have a friend in Germany who takes pictures of faces she sees everywhere....even in the most unlikely places.  THIS ONE SEEMS to have been intentionally drawn in a pineapple cannery somewhere.  Thanks cannery folk and Claudia for the inspiration to post it!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

In my Garden Today! Walking Iris'......


OWL GIRL Rhythyms!!!!! My New Band Name!!!!!!!!!

Post Script: April 10,2021 In grade school at St. Stephen the Martyr school on the Westside of Columbus, Ohio....I was a spelling 🐝  champ. Years later,  I intentionally misspelled schtuff to piss off the grammar/English police. Now my spelling is bonafide gone to shit...that and somewhat chubby fingers have me increasing the inflicted emotion of anger...and this last week I have been typing and retyping the word rhythm....that I have spelled and misspelled a number of past few days. How's that for comedy Geo? I lost the contest with the word "attrition".

Firecider season returneth....