Tuesday, June 30, 2020

On this Last day of PRIDE Month...What I Am Proudest of….

I am proud to have come from two strong families, both living and loving in 
"The Bottoms", (Westside) of Columbus, Ohio.

I am Proud of that English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French, German, Jewish, Dutch, Ukrainian, Cherokee, Mohawk, Appalachian heritage.

I am proud of all the Strength in Diversity that those genes bring.

I am proud that I was allowed to be a strong running, jumping, climbing, exploring

Tom-Boy athlete child that I was ... and will be again.

I am proud that I was free to allow myself to be myself …

as soon as I arrived to college in Morehead, Kentucky,

a strong human being ( in a Woman's body )
at the same time,

somewhere in the vast spectrum of Gender...I /we call Lesbian.,,,or what First Nations folk call

Two-Spirit...a balance of male and female.

I am proud that I am mostly self taught about everything, learning most of what I know… from books...real books with pages that flip and smell good.

I am proud that I have the FIERCE determination to endure in the face of

myriad obstacles and difficulties: hatred, misunderstanding and misjudgments...

inherited from my TWO Strong Grandmother’s,

Bernice and Naomi.

I am proud to be a wide open EMPATHIC book,

never hiding my feelings, almost always trusting my own intuition, seeing right through to what exists in a person’s heart...via my love for all living things.

I am proud of my ability to relate to the vast spectrum of human beings, if given the opportunity…

in almost every situation.

I am proud of my sense of place,

honoring this planet that we live on


that I have been so very fortunate to have lived.

I am proud of my life as a CREATIVE...painting, drawing, making, collaging, harmonica playing, drumming, imagining,singing,dancing

knowing and utilizing Plant Medicine, knowing that each and every plant

has some innate ability to heal.

I am proud of my work with children, thousands and thousands of children...from all walks of life.

I am proud of my loud mouthed raven of a voice, never being afraid to say the things

others will not say.

I am proud of my animal magnetism, always being able to relate to and communicate with all creatures in the so-called Natural world, and that I have always viewed myself as a part of, not separate from...Mother Nature, this planet we all call Earth.

I am proud of my ability to survive on very little money….that I have never really grasped for what others would call wealth...jewelry, big house, fancy cars, etc etc.

I am proud to be part of the change that I want to see, fostering and promoting the positive in nearly every situation...falling down 7 times, getting up 8.

I am proud to know that LOVE will forever be stronger than hate.

Mostly, but surely not lastly...I am proud to know

that WE ALL here on this Earth,

are not separate from each other



Saturday, June 27, 2020

Friday, June 26, 2020

Amazing PBS Toni Morrison Documentary...

Years ago I read just about every Toni Morrison book written.  Thanks to this AMAZING documentary about her life...I am learning so much more.  This one makes me want to go back and re-read all of those and all of the ones I missed.  PBS has helped me in so many ways over the years  and  this documentary is above all timely.  I wish that every person in the USA would watch it.  Please support PBS.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

more regarding ~Temenos~...

A temenos enclosed a sacred space called a hieron; all things inside of this area belonged to the god. Greeks could find asylum within a sanctuary and be under the protection of the deity and could not be moved against their will.[10]
A large example of a Bronze Age Minoan temenos is at the Juktas Sanctuary of the palace of Knossos on ancient Crete in present-day Greece, the temple having a massive northern temenos.[11] Another example is at Olympia, the temenos of Zeus. There were many temene of Apollo, as he was the patron god of settlers.
In religious discourse in English, temenos has also come to refer to a territory, plane, receptacle or field of deity or divinity.
C. G. Jung relates the temenos to the spellbinding or magic circle, which acts as a 'square space' or 'safe spot' where mental 'work' can take place. This temenos resembles among others a 'symmetrical rose garden with a fountain in the middle' (the 'squared circle') in which an encounter with the unconscious can be had and where these unconscious contents can safely be brought into the light of consciousness. In this manner one can meet one's own Shadow, Animus/Anima, Wise Old Wo/Man (Senex) and finally the Self, names that Jung gave to archetypal personifications of (unpersonal) unconscious contents which seem to span all cultures.[12]