Beggar's Ticks
(Bidens alba)
picture from
Medicinal use of Beggar's Ticks:
A juice made from the leaves is used to dress wounds and ulcers. A decoction of the leaves is anti-inflammatory, styptic and alterative. The whole plant is anti-rheumatic, it is also used in enemas to treat intestinal ailments. Substances isolated from the leaves are bactericidal and fungicidal, they are used in the treatment of thrush and candida.Why waste thousands of dollars trying to rid your garden of this so called "weed" with chemicals while trashing our watersheds and bodies , when you can use Beggars Ticks to your advantage. It not makes an excellent compost plant, but has medicinal qualities to boot.
And just about every time I go looking for herbal stuff on the net I come across yet another great fellow weed eater's website. Check out this one: