Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

One of my favorite things to do when I have the time is to sit in a cafe and write in my journal. I have been a cafe writer for as long as I can remember, or at least since I was just out of college in the early 80's. Since my writing on a laptop has nearly taken the place of this ritual, I do feel a loss of sorts. My journal has always been my therapist.
Yesterday it was a little rainy,so I went to one of my favorite cafes, Cafe Mojo (a cup of joe/stauf's offshoot) and did some good old fashioned people watching. I also took some pictures of two of my favorite Columbus murals.
Back in the day when my Grandpa Siemer worked for the New York Central Railroad, Union Station stood a few blocks south of here. One of the biggest mistakes this country made (in mine and others eyes) was tearing out all of the passenger rail lines and this beauty of a station and others like it. Someone did have the wisdom to save this great arch and it stands now in a park in the Arena District.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

I just about jumped out of my skin (oh joy) to see my all time favorite Bison Brewery's Organic Chocolate Stout here in Ohio at Kroger's. They have put together an end cap with beer-snob(me) beers from microbreweries across the usa. Life here in Ohio in the beginning of my favorite season, Autumn, is pretty darn good.

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