Lupines near the Meadows
Thanks Ike!
My friend Linda Catalano in NYC makes alot of really whimsical and wonderful things that she sells on etsy. She sent me this wonderful little purple owl that is stuffed with an array of aromatherapy herbs. I Love it so!
Check out her store on etsy:

Above is a picture of a fox that was over my head when I looked up from eating breakfast this morning in The Towne Diner in Silverton. This year has been the "Year of The Fox" for me personally. I have seen foxes ( more than once) both in my dreams and in waking life . While I was in Florida this past winter I crossed paths with (most likely the same) fox on several occasions.
While riding my bike up and down my Dad's rural Florida road, Crossing the road, in the field behind my Dad's place, in my dreams.
One day that I ran into the neighborhood fox, he/she was crossing the road and stopped dead in his/her tracks and just looked me in the eye for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only 5-6 seconds. It was so large that I thought it was a coyote at first. One certainly well fed fox.
A few months before my little brother Patrick "crossed over" I had vivid dreams of this fox.
So now I will do research (and look up Jamie Sams Medicine Cards, my favorite interpretations) to see just what this fox stuff means for me.
Thank You to Jim and Liz, who once again have reminded me that everything is happening exactly as it should. And Thanks for the serendipitous ride into town too:)
This found July 1st,2010....
From Animal Speak by Ted Andrews:
"Fox embodies the magic of the world and was revered by every society at some time. It's a keeper of magic, healing, and the gifts of shapeshifting and invisibility. It's active at night but more easily seen at dawn or dusk at the edges of fields and forest which are seen as 'between' places, or doorways to Otherworlds.
It can teach lessons on camouflage, allowing us to see and hear things we might otherwise miss. Knowledge is power and the knowledge you acquire through quiet camouflage will be of use some day, if not the present moment. It has a keen sense of hearing and smell and so can herald a heightening of your senses, especially the psychic. It teaches us to use our senses to capture any prize we seek for everything is possible with the right action. It can also serve as a warning. If something doesn't smell right... if you aren't completely sure, then do nothing. Instead wait quietly for the right opportunity".
From Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams:
Flora is the foxes ally. It can vanish in the woodlands and foliage, which offers protection and medicine. Another of its abilities is to adapt to winter by changing color. Fox medicine involves adaptability, cunning, observation, integration, and swiftness of thought and action.
Its ability to remain unseen allow it to be the protector of the family unit. It is charged with the duty of keeping the family together and safe which is accomplished by observing undetected. It is an excellent talisman for traveling".
Me: Go figure.